Actor Patterns

Here are some things you can do with actors:

State Machines

You can use actors to store, search, filter, compose, calculate ... concurrently on a computer or in a network. All those different activities can be seen generally as state machines.

State machines have state and react to events. In that basic sense actors are state machines and are particularly well suited to represent them. YAActL actors have been designed to support various approaches to implement state machines.

Parallel Computation

... actors provide no direct support for parallelism. ... And because actors do not share state and can only communicate through message passing, they are not a suitable choice if you need fine-grained parallelism. [1]

As with Julia's built-in functionality you can parallelize heavy computations quickly with actors. This is shown in the parallel map example.

Building Systems

Actors are composable into systems. ...

Fault-tolerant Systems

The supervisory tree is not yet implemented.

  • 1Paul Butcher, Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks.- 2014, The Pragmatic Programmers, p. 152