Parallel Map

Here we compare five executions of comp, a "heavy" computation taking 2 seconds:

using YAActL, .Threads, Distributed

function comp(i)  # a "heavy" computation
    return (id=i, thrd=threadid())

We can check how long it takes sequentially:

julia> @time map(comp, 1:5)  # sequential
 10.024817 seconds (36 allocations: 1.234 KiB)
5-element Array{NamedTuple{(:id, :thrd),Tuple{Int64,Int64}},1}:
 (id = 1, thrd = 1)
 (id = 2, thrd = 1)
 (id = 3, thrd = 1)
 (id = 4, thrd = 1)
 (id = 5, thrd = 1)

now with Julia's Threads:

julia> @time begin
            t = map(x->(Threads.@spawn comp(x)), 1:5)
            map(fetch, t)
  2.074831 seconds (150.55 k allocations: 8.045 MiB)
5-element Array{NamedTuple{(:id, :thrd),Tuple{Int64,Int64}},1}:
 (id = 1, thrd = 2)
 (id = 2, thrd = 3)
 (id = 3, thrd = 5)
 (id = 4, thrd = 4)
 (id = 5, thrd = 6)

now with YAActL (we get the results in the USR channel):

julia> A = map(i->Actor(parallel(), comp, i), 1:5); # start actors

julia> @time begin
           foreach(a->call!(a, USR), A)
           map(x->receive!(USR).y, 1:5)
  2.042264 seconds (83.46 k allocations: 4.448 MiB, 0.53% gc time)
5-element Array{NamedTuple{(:id, :thrd),Tuple{Int64,Int64}},1}:
 (id = 2, thrd = 3)
 (id = 5, thrd = 6)
 (id = 4, thrd = 4)
 (id = 3, thrd = 2)
 (id = 1, thrd = 5)

now with Distributed:

julia> addprocs(4);   # add processes

julia> @everywhere function comp(i)  # a "heavy" computation
           return (id=i, prc=myid())

julia> @time begin
            f = map(i->(@spawnat i comp(i)), 1:5)
            map(fetch, f)
  2.252625 seconds (185.30 k allocations: 9.740 MiB, 0.38% gc time)
5-element Array{NamedTuple{(:id, :prc),Tuple{Int64,Int64}},1}:
 (id = 1, prc = 1)
 (id = 2, prc = 2)
 (id = 3, prc = 3)
 (id = 4, prc = 4)
 (id = 5, prc = 5)

YAActL actors and Distributed processes are persistent objects. Therefore we must allocate them before we do computations with them. If we work with remote actors on other processes or nodes, we have to ensure as in Distributed that the code is available on each node.