
A YAActL actor

  • is a task running on a thread or a remote node which
  • receives messages over a channel and with it
  • dispatches a behavior function or one of of its methods.
using YAActL, Printf

# define two functions for printing a message
function pr(msg)
    print(@sprintf("%s\n", msg))
    become(pr, "Next") # change behavior
pr(info, msg) = print(@sprintf("%s: %s\n", info, msg))

# a function for doing arithmetic
calc(op::F, x, y) where F<:Function = op(x, y)

# start an actor with the first behavior
myactor = Actor(pr)

Now we can interact with it:

julia> cast!(myactor, "My first actor")     # send a message to it
My first actor

Our actor has executed its behavior function pr with the message as argument. You may have noticed above that pr(msg) causes the actor to change its behavior to pr("Next:", msg). Now we send it something else:

julia> cast!(myactor, "Something else")     # send again a message
Next: Something else

julia> become!(myactor, pr, "New behavior") # change the behavior to another one

julia> cast!(myactor, "bla bla bla")        # and send again a message
New behavior: bla bla bla

Our actor can also change to a completely different behavior and do some arithmetic:

julia> become!(myactor, calc, +, 10);       # now become a machine for adding to 10

julia> call!(myactor, 5)                    # send a request to add 5 to it and to return the result

julia> become!(myactor, ^);                 # become an exponentiation machine

julia> call!(myactor, 123, 456)             # try it

Actors thus can represent different and changing behaviors of real world or computational objects.

If we implement and start multiple actors interacting with each other, we get an actor system.