
Actors are represented only by their Links. There are two API functions: info and diag (the latter is not exported) to get more information about them.

Actor Identification

Actors can be identified by their task's address. On a common 64-bit machine this is a UInt64 number. To improve readability Actors shows this number encoded as a Proquint string (short form):

julia> sv = supervisor()
Link{Channel{Any}}(Channel{Any}(sz_max:32,sz_curr:0), 1, :supervisor)

julia> info(sv)
Actor    supervisor
Behavior Actors.Supervisor
Pid      1, Thread 2
Task     @0x0000000120c16890
Ident    x-d-fagad-kofib

julia> Actors.diag(sv, :task)
Task (runnable) @0x0000000120c16890

julia> Actors.diag(sv, :tid)

julia> exit!(sv, :shutdown);
┌ Warning: 2021-02-05T12:51:33.288 x-d-fagad-kofib: Exit: supervisor shutdown
└ @ Actors ~/.julia/dev/Actors/src/logging.jl:30

julia> using Proquint

julia> quint2uint("x-d-fagad-kofib")

Status Information

For testing and diagnosis you can use diag to get status information from an actor. For example diag(x, :act) returns the actors' x status variable:

julia> myact = spawn(threadid)
Link{Channel{Any}}(Channel{Any}(sz_max:32,sz_curr:0), 1, :default)

julia> myact_state = Actors.diag(myact, :act)
Actors._ACT(:default, Base.Threads.threadid, nothing, nothing, Link{Channel{Any}}(Channel{Any}(sz_max:32,sz_curr:0), 1, :default), nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, Actors.Connection[])

But since an actors' state is private, this should be used for diagnostic purposes only.