
If we want actors to be restarted automatically if they fail, we can use supervise to put them under the supervision of a supervisor actor. Lets consider a system of six actors A1 - A6 under supervision of the supervisor A10. Such a system may look as follows:


The six actors A1 - A6 are connected to their supervisor A10 and will send it an Exit message before they exit. They will not notify each other. It is the duty of the supervisor to decide, what to do.

What the supervisor does, should one of its child actors – say A4 - fail, depends on three parameters:

  1. the supervision strategy (:one_for_one, :one_for_all and :rest_for_one) of the supervisor,
  2. the restart option (:transient, :permanent, :temporary) of the supervised child and
  3. the Exit reason.

Supervision strategy

Let's discuss the depicted case of actor A4 failing: We assume :transient child actors, meaning they are restarted if they terminate abnormally, that is, if they fail. Now what happens depends solely on the supervisor's strategy.

strategythe supervisor will restart ...
:one_for_onethe failed actor A4,
:one_for_allall child actors A1 - A6,
:rest_for_onethe failed actor A4 and the actors A5 and A6 registered to the supervisor after it.

In the second and third case the other actors are shutdown by the supervisor before being restarted.

You can see this in action in the Supervise Actors tutorial.

Actor State Across Restarts

A failing actor transfers its behavior (behavior function and acquaintance variables) to the supervisor before it exits. Thus the supervisor can restart that actor with its state, that it had before processing the last message. That is also demonstrated in the Supervise Actors tutorial.

That strategy maybe sufficient for many cases, but you can change it by setting termination and restart callbacks.

Termination and Restart Callbacks

There are cases where you want a different user-defined fallback strategy for actor restart, for example to

  • restart it with a different algorithm/behavior or data set or
  • do some cleanup before restarting it,
  • restart after a node failure,
  • save and restore a checkpoint.

For that you can define callback functions invoked at actor termination, restart or initialization:

callbackshort description
term!term callback; if defined, it is called at actor exit with argument reason (exit reason),
restarta given cb argument to supervise, start_actor or start_task is executed by a supervisor to restart an actor/task;
init!if defined (and no restart callback is given), the supervisor restarts an actor with the given init behavior.

User defined callbacks must follow some conventions:

  1. A restart callback does some initialization and spawns an actor or a task and returns a Link or a Task which again will be supervised.
  2. An init callback is a startup behavior of an actor. It does some initialization or recovery and then switches (with become) to the target behavior. A supervisor spawns a new supervised actor with the given init behavior and triggers it with init().
  3. A supervisor wants an actor running on a worker process (over a RemoteChannel) to restart on the same or on a spare pid (process id). In that case it calls the restart callback with a pid keyword argument (and the callback must take it).

After restarting an actor, a supervisor updates its link to point to the newly created actor. But copies of a link won't get updated and may then be out of sync.

If remote actors on other workers communicate with an actor over RemoteChannels, they have copies of its link on their workers. After actor restart those are out of sync, and a remote actor may then try to communicate with an old failed actor. To avoid this situation, you should register supervised remote actors and use their registered names to supervise them and communicate with them. The supervisor then will update the registered link.

Limit Restarts

A supervisor takes two additional arguments: max_restarts and max_seconds where you can limit the number of restarts it does in the max_seconds time frame. If failures exceed that limit, a supervisor will shutdown its child actors and itself with an error message.

Task Supervision

Supervisory trees

For larger applications you may be interested in building a hierarchical structure containing all actors and tasks. This is called a supervisory tree, and there is the Supervisors package facilitating to build that.